Qualtrics Canvas Assignment Fields

This is a list of available fields that can be assigned to Qualtrics embedded data when using a Qualtrics survey as a Canvas assignment.

There are two integration pages for Embedding Qualtrics surveys in Canvas

Grade Pass Back

If you would like the grade passed back to an assignment in the Canvas grade book use https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasAssignment.php?surveyId= ←Insert Qualtrics survey ID here

Example - Paste the following HTML code in the HTML editor of an assignment page:
<p><iframe class="qualtrics-hook" src="https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasAssignment.php?surveyId=SV_3gabUjAJTrqEepL" width="440" height="40"></iframe></p>
The red text in the source URL indicates the Survey ID. You will need to replace this text with your survey's unique Survey ID.
NOTE: For the grade pass back option, you must add a Web Service call at the end of your Survey Flow. Scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions on doing so.

No Grade Pass Back

If no grade pass back is required then use https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasSurvey.php?surveyId= ←Insert Qualtrics survey ID here

Example - Paste the following HTML code in HTML editor of either an assignment page or Wiki page in Canvas:
<p><iframe class="qualtrics-hook" src="https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasSurvey.php?surveyId=SV_3gabUjAJTrqEepL" width="450" height="40"></iframe></p>
The red text in the source URL indicates the Survey ID. You will need to replace this text with your survey's unique Survey ID.

Example for Alert in a Page (Canvas Wiki Page): Paste the following HTML code in HTML editor of either an assignment page or Wiki page in Canvas: <p><span style="font-size: 2em;">🚨</span><iframe class="qualtrics-hook" style="margin-bottom: -6px;" src="https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasSurvey.php?surveyId=SV_eXvOPWlyei4yt8h" width="450" height="40"></iframe></p>
The red text in the source URL indicates the Survey ID. You will need to replace this text with your survey's unique Survey ID.

Available Embedded Data Fields

Embedded Field NameDescription
fullnameStudent's full name
studentFirstNameStudent's first name
studentLastNameStudent's last name
uvidStudent's UVID


Student's major code

Descriptive name of student's major


Student's minor code

minorDescriptionStudent's minor description
levelCodeAcademic Level Code ("UG" for Undergraduate, etc.)
levelDescriptionAcademic Level Description


Class Level Code ("SR" for Senior, etc.)
internationalDisplays international status
courseIdCanvas course id
courseNameCanvas course full name
courseCrnCourse crn
courseSemesterCourse semester code (4 digit year + 2 digit termcode)
instructorFirstNameInstructor's first name
instructorLastNameInstructor's last name
instructorUvidInstructor's UVID
departmentNameCanvas department name
departmentIdCanvas department account id
collegeNameCanvas college account name

Canvas college account id

majorEmphasisCodeMajor Emphasis Code
majorEmphasisDescriptionMajor Emphasis Description
assignmentIdNeeded for gradepassback to Canvas
pointsPossibleNumerical Value - User sets this to the total number of points possible
dueDateThe date when the assignment is due
rolePerson's role in canvas with regards to the assignment
gradedThis will be a 1 or 0 value indicating whether the assignment has already been graded once

These fields can be used as embedded data at the beginning of the survey. An example of how a set of Embedded Data should look is below.

Additional Custom Fields

Additional custom embedded data fields can be sent in by adding them to the end of the integration URL.

Ex. https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/canvasAssignment.php?surveyId=SV_3gabUjAJTrqEepL&customName=customValue

The name must match the embedded field name in your Qualtrics Survey.

Grade Passback

For the Grade Pass Back option, at the end of the Survey Flow, add a Web Service element with the settings, fields, and values depicted below. Note, the value for the score field will be unique to the score for your survey. (The part between 'SC_' and /Score will be different.)

URL: https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/public/gradeAssignment.php

score = 🚨 See the bottom screenshot to learn how to grab the Embedded Data value for score
items = ${e://Field/pointsPossible}
courseId = ${e://Field/courseId}
assignmentId = ${e://Field/assignmentId}
studentId = ${e://Field/uvid}

Questions or comments about this integration can be directed to ais@uvu.edu