Qualtrics Employee Integration Fields

Qualtrics Employee Integration Fields

To include employee information in your survey please use the url as follows,


Example - https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/employee/SV_3gabUjAJTrqEepL
The red text in the URL indicates the Survey ID. You will need to replace this text with your survey's unique Survey ID.

Embedded Data Field Name


UvidEmployee's Uvid
FirstNameEmployee's First Name
LastNameEmployee's Last Name
PositionEmployee's Primary Position
DepartmentEmployee's Primary Department
UvuEmailEmployee's UVU Email Address
primaryAliasEmailEmployee's Primary Alias UVU Email Address

Employee's Phone Extension

employmentStatus'Full-Time' or 'Part-Time'
EmpClassShortEmployee Class Short code (StafExmp)
Exempt or Nonexempt
SupervisorUvid1st-Level Supervisor's UVID
SupervisorFirstName1st-Level Supervisor's First Name
SupervisorLastName1st-Level Supervisor's Last Name
SupervisorPosition1st-Level Supervisor's Position
SupervisorUvuEmail1st-Level Supervisor's UVID Email
SupervisorAliasEmail1st-Level Supervisor's Primary Alias Email 🆕
SupervisorPhoneExt1st-Level Supervisor's Phone Extension
Supervisor2Uvid2nd-Level Supervisor's UVID
Supervisor2FirstName2nd-Level Supervisor's First Name
Supervisor2LastName2nd-Level Supervisor's Last Name
Supervisor2Position2nd-Level Supervisor's Position
Supervisor2UvuEmail2nd-Level Supervisor's UVID Email
Supervisor2AliasEmail2nd-Level Supervisor's Primary Alias Email 🆕
Supervisor2PhoneExt2nd-Level Supervisor's Phone Extension
TimesheetVPAreaCode2-digit Org Code
TimesheetVPAreaNameName of VP Area Org Code
Email of VP Area Org Code
AvpUvidAssistant Vice President's UVID
AvpFirstNameAssistant Vice President's First Name
AvpLastNameAssistant Vice President's Last Name
AvpPositionAssistant Vice President's Title
AvpUvuEmailAssistant Vice President's UVID Email
AvpAliasEmailAVP's Primary Alias Email 🆕
VpUvidVice President's UVID
VpFirstNameVice President's First Name
VpLastNameVice President's Last Name
VpPositionVice President's Title
VpUvuEmailVice President's UVID Email
VpAliasEmailVP's Primary Alias Email 🆕

Additional Custom Fields

Additional custom embedded data fields can be sent in by adding them to the end of the integration URL.

Example - https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/employee/SV_3gabUjAJTrqEepL?customName=customValue&customName2=customValue2

The name must match the embedded field name in your Qualtrics Survey.

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