Generic Course Data Import

Generic Course Data Import

Add a tool that allows a user to search for and select a course (not including a section) and pull its attributes into your survey as Embedded Data.

Step 1

Create a Text Entry Question with instructions similar to the following:

Search for and select the course for which you would like to request a change to a lab or a course fee. For example, if the course is MGMT-4860, start typing 'MGMT-4860' and then tap/click on the course when you see it in the list below.

Step 2

Click the ‘</> JavaScript’ button in the question options to add JavaScript to the question, and replace the existing JavaScript code with the following code:


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() { /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/ QObj = this; QObj.disableNextButton(); jQuery(QObj.questionContainer).find('.InputText').attr('placeholder', "Search by Course...") jQuery(QObj.questionContainer).find('.InputText').autocomplete({ source: function( request, response){ jQuery.ajax({ url: 'https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/public/coursesearch', dataType: 'json', data: { key: "allthedata", term: request.term }, success: function( data ) { response(data.map(function (value) { return { 'label': value.id + ' - ' + value.title, 'value': value.id, 'subject': value.subject, 'number': value.number }; })); } }) }, minLength: 3, select: function(event, ui) { event.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).val(ui.item.label) Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("courseSubject", ui.item.subject); Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("courseNumber", ui.item.number); jQuery(".ui-menu").hide(); QObj.enableNextButton(); return false; }, focus: function(event, ui) { return false; } }); }); Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() { /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/ }); Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnUnload(function() { /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is unloaded*/ jQuery(QObj.questionContainer).find('.InputText').autocomplete("destroy"); });

Step 3

Add the following jQuery reference script to the Header under General in the the Look & Feel of the survey:

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script><script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>

Click the ‘Apply’ button in the bottom-right corner.

Step 4

Add a Web Service call to the survey flow below the question block that has the question you created in Step 1. Use the image below as a reference. The required fields are listed after the image, so you can copy and paste as needed.

URL: https://qualtrics.uvu.edu/public/courseData.php

Method: GET

Query Parameters
courseSubject = ${e://Field/courseSubject}
courseNumber = ${e://Field/courseNumber}

Custom Headers
X-UVU-SECURE = CourseData

Set Embedded Data
courseTitle = data.courseTitle
courseDescription = data.courseDescription
courseSubject = data.courseSubject
courseNumber = data.courseNumber
effectiveTerm = data.effectiveTerm
creditHrLow = data.creditHrLow
creditHrHigh = data.creditHrHigh
lecHrLow = data.lecHrLow
lecHrHigh = data.lecHrHigh
labHrLow = data.labHrLow
labHrHigh = data.labHrHigh
courseDepartmentCode = data.courseDepartmentCode
courseDepartmentDesc = data.courseDepartmentDesc
courseCollegeCode = data.courseCollegeCode
courseCollegeDesc = data.courseCollegeDesc
attributeCode0 = data.courseAttributes.0.attributeCode
attributeDesc0 = data.courseAttributes.0.attributeDesc
attributeCode1 = data.courseAttributes.1.attributeCode
attributeDesc1 = data.courseAttributes.1.attributeDesc
attributeCode2 = data.courseAttributes.2.attributeCode
attributeDesc2 = data.courseAttributes.2.attributeDesc
attributeCode3 = data.courseAttributes.3.attributeCode
attributeDesc3 = data.courseAttributes.3.attributeDesc
attributeCode4 = data.courseAttributes.4.attributeCode
attributeDesc4 = data.courseAttributes.4.attributeDesc
attributeCode5 = data.courseAttributes.5.attributeCode
attributeDesc5 = data.courseAttributes.5.attributeDesc

Note: The text on the left side of the = sign under the Set Embedded Data section are the Embedded Data field names, which can be used throughout the survey to see the values returned by the API.

Click the ‘Apply’ button in the bottom-right corner.


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